A mid-sized enterprise that was involved in document-intensive business processes identified inefficiencies in managing, sharing and collaborating internal documents. For content management, the company used Microsoft Sharepoint, but it lacks functions in automation, PLUS was not very customizable, and the users’ experiences can only be considered satisfactory. To overcome these challenges, they began a SaaS development project to incorporate all the needed and related features on SharePoint.
Implemented a web-based SaaS solution using Angular as the frontend technology and.NET Core as the backend, being compatible with SharePoint.
Embedded SharePoint APIs in order to achieve easy access and modification of documents and data contained in lists.
Grew multi-tenant to accommodate scale and cost, as well as affordability for multiple users.
What made a huge difference was the level of manual work, which is now cut by 40% due to effective automation of routine business processes.
The custom SharePoint enhancements enhanced teamwork and resulted in enhanced completion rates by 30%.
Real-time analytics helped document owners have improved insight into the status of those documents and their teams in terms of productivity.